
The following piece was inspired by one line from the class act “Nine”. The plot is of two women who have been kidnapped by human sex-traffickers. They are locked in a room and talk about how they are dealing with what is happening to them. I emulated from the line “This room never hear my name.”


this room never heard my name

no one bothered

to ask

to listen

nor to care.


people like me are

 not wanted here

in fact we are a plague

that had become

a burden


pain for society.


we are considered

“a filth in civil society”


a nuisance

a joke.


we are not man

nor woman.

we are barely

considered human.


being beaten


and traumatized

has become a daily routine

in our

suffocating reality.

laughed at

as we walk the streets.

resulting with

us on our knees

 folding our hands

as we beg for

food to eat.


pushed to either the outskirts

of the city

or the trash filled,

and disease infested alleys

are what we now consider home.


We are not woman

nor man

we are barely considered human


This room never heard my name

but if someone asks

it is Adithi.


“This room never heard my name’ had inspired me to talk about outcasts or victims of the world that mistreats them for being different. My mind had instantly gone to the emotions that most transgenders in india feel as the result of being “shunned” by the rest of society. They are constantly being abused at (both verbally and physically) and have to deal with other issues such as poverty as they are not given any work aside from dancing and begging for money so that they can support themselves.

I chose the name Adithi because it means freedom in Hindi and it’s somewhat ironic because all these transgenders want is to escape this label and be free; and the fact that they are still being deprived from their rights and freedoms in one of the world’s largest democracies is truly cruel and unjustified — especially since we are in an era of progression towards equality of all.



What to do there: Write about movement. Sit and watch the world go by. Notice the differences between land and water and sky. If you don’t have a quay, a jetty will do, or a harbour, or a river bank. Tell the story of a character who transforms when they move from one element to the other and how this transformation impacts on their life, their relationships, and their daily routines.

It’s been a while since I’ve actually taken a look at the river and have seen it in a different perspective from what I usually view it to be. Usually I go to the river with a task to write about something else, hoping that nature inspires me but it doesn’t. I don’t look for the simplicity that life has to offer; because it’s just so easy to look over something that was always there. But what I didn’t realize is that it will not always be there. From that moment, the importance of the water that danced its way through the city, the trees that swayed along with the whistles of the wind, and the rocks that lay on top of the soil that carries the weight of life. All these aspects from the river helped me realize that nature had been inspiring me all along; all it took was for me to just pay attention – so I did.

When you just look, you see that the sky above, and the water mimic each other as if they are just one -depending on each other. You realize intellectually and metaphorically that they will be unable to exist without the other one present.

When you just listen, you hear that the wind carries a tune whose pitch is so unique, you realize that nature has blessed us with an instrument that can not be created or destroyed.

When you touch, you feel the cold smooth surface of pebbles that defy gravity as you skip them across the body of the fast rushing water. You realize that nature is the only thing that can go against its own creation.

Nature enlightens the human kind, that it is the one aspect of life that can be both ignored for eternity or illuminate the mind.


T- Temple.

What to do there: Find a quiet spot. Places of prayer are not always tranquil. You could go in between prayer times when the church or mosque or temple is emptier and calmer; you’ll also draw less attention to yourself. Write about memories of prayer, your own or a character’s. Invent a reason for them being in the house of prater at this point in their life. What do they need to resolve? Write about textures, light, the sounds and smells.

“One creator created this creation. Truth is His Name. Great beyond description is His Infinite Wisdom.”

We sit in serenity, our eyes closed as these words tickle our lips in a gentle hush tone. Every exhale cut short, so that we do not miss the opportunity of praising the one who keeps our mind and soul in peace. I can hear the hushed voices of those sitting around me as they repeat the same words, some with more dedication and some with less – but either way you can still hear them.

I open my eyes to see the gleaming lights of the chandelier, lighting up each corner of the hall leaving no room for no darkness to exist. The warmth that each bulb gives off and the generosity of those who are helping the elderly be seated tickles and revives your presence in the room.

People are sitting cross legged, their palms together, and eyes still closed, as they whisper along side the priest of the legend of our guru and his teachings. That voice it reaches and touches your soul as you feel the pain, the joy, the emptiness, the fulfillment, the loss, and the recovery of all those present in this room. And those very people begin to hear my prayers. My longing to achieve the happiness I desire, my words to end the stress and struggles in my life, my dreams to help those in need. They can feel that, the same way god does; because I believe that god created a dilemma for us. That dilemma where we share and communicate our happiness and adversities with him, where in reality we are sharing it with each other so that we can help each other out.

I repeat: “One creator created this creation. Truth is His Name. Great beyond description is His Infinite Wisdom.”

I thank him for my existence, the truth, and the wisdom he has showered upon his devoters.

C- Cafe.

Watch people. Write about couples, groups and people sitting on their own. Write about each person until you find someone you want to keep writing about. Push yourself to write until you feel you’ve said everything you want to say. Write because you really want to know what you have to say about this person or couple. Write until you discover something that surprises you.

I’m not that type of girl who goes to Cafes to be quite honest. So this was a real change for me to step into a place filled with such different vibes than I am used to. But let me tell you that after this experience, I have realized how much I have come to like Cafes as it has been really intriguing and motivation in a way.

I saw a group of 3 girls who were just sitting near the fireplace surrounded by 4 sofa chairs. They were all hovering this one girl who had tears streaming down her face.

She kept on repeating to herself “I’m not going to get in. They won’t accept me. I’m just not going to get in.”

Her arms wrapped around her knees, as her friends comforted her by saying stuff like “don’t worry you have other options,” or “its’ not for everyone.”

I was so enraged at the fact that her friends were just comforting her and putting her down even more. They did not once they that she can get in the program she wants if she is willing

to work hard enough and, as cliche as it sounds, not give up.

At this point the entire cafe fell silent, everyone’s eyes fixed onto that corner near the fireplace. All you could hear was the cooking and brewing of coffee as well as the whistles of some kettles. My eyes were however, still fixed onto that girl crying with the stress and anxiety that exists in her life.

After about 15 minutes of “consoling,” the group of girls made their way out of the cafe, and the worker walked towards the table to clean up after them. I was so mad at those girls for discouraging their friend, and overtop of that I was mad at myself for not saying anything to them.


I wanted to tell that girl crying that she has the same chance as any one else to get into that program, that she is capable enough of becoming the person who she inspires to be, and that by not believing in yourself will in fact discourage you even more. I know that I didn’t know her or the kind of person she is. But all I know is that one can truly succeed if they believe in themselves and If they nail that down, they can do anything they want.

That is why I found this experience at the Cafe to be so motivational; it had reinstated my determination for my ambitions and the kind of person I want to be. You can learn so many things by just taking in and understanding different situations going around you because they all lead to a life lesson being learnt.